Description: Our experienced team of practioners concentrate on finding practical solutions when a divorce or separation is inevitable. We advise on all aspects including children, finacial matters, pensions and residence contact and care proceedings.
The Firm was established in the 1920s as a branch office of a Torquay firm known as P.H.Smith and Co. The original Partners in the Firm were Herbert Gowman and Thomas Edwin Easterbrook and it subsequently became known as Gowmans Easterbrook Smith and Co., and later Gowman Easterbrook and Co.
The Firm had offices in Palace Avenue, Paignton, and later in Victiroa Street. However, in 1931 the Firm moved to 65 Hyde Road and in 1948 63 Hyde Road was bought and the two premises amalgamated.
Category: Devon
Current Rating: 5.50
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