International Family Law Chambers
 Description: The lawyers at International Family Law Chambers practise family law exclusively and have special expertise in matters concerning international law. Our team includes lawyers qualified in England and Wales, Australia, the United States, Germany and Sweden. In addition, our personal links with the best family law specialists around the world give us unparalleled access to expert advice from almost any country.
Divorce, separation and other family law problems need to be resolved sensibly and effectively. Financial, legal and emotional issues must be identified and managed if effective resolution is to be achieved. When international factors complicate matters expert guidance is essential from the outset. If divorce or other legal proceedings are started in the wrong country the whole family may suffer.
Our lawyers practise in all areas of matrimonial and family law work, including divorce, finances (maintenance and property), child custody and access (residence and contact), international child abduction (Hague and European Conventions) and preparing pre-marriage contracts. We have particular expertise in complex financial disputes where off-shore assets are in issue, especially where questions of choice of jurisdiction and forum arise.
In international cases our ability to advise on whether, where and when to either sue or settle is, we believe, not matched elsewhere.
Category: London
Current Rating: 10.00

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