Samuel Philips Law Firm
 Description: We are able to offer clients a complete family service and undertake all aspects of family law, including divorce, high finance divorce (assets over ?3 million), divorce with commercial issues, pre-nuptual agreements, co-habitation, public and private children?s matters, adoption, fostering, international family work including child abduction, maintenance and domestic violence injunctions. As a result of our wide range of expertise, we receive referrals from other reputable practices who do not offer a service in respect of key aspects of Family Law.
Jennifer Goldstein, Barry Speker and Robert Gibson are members of the Law Society Children Panel and have vast experience in dealing with the complex area of law related to children including Care Proceedings, disputes over residence, contact and related difficulties, adoption fostering. Barry Speker is Advisor to three Adoption Agencies and has acted in very many complex adoptions.
The firm is the designated solicitors practice for Newcastle upon Tyne for Reunite, the organisation assisting parents with cases where they have been separated from children abroad and have disputes in other countries. Jenny Goldstein is nationally recognised for her expertise in these cases. (see the Parvin Case). We also deal with inter-country adoptions.
Robert Gibson, Jennifer Goldstein and all solicitors in the department are members of Resolution the Law Society Family Law Panel previously the SFLA. Senior Solicitor Elizabeth Gallagher is Secretary to Newcastle branch of Resolution and a Trustee of Relate. The team also includes the very experienced and highly regarded Solicitor Claire Hunter and the latest recruit Angela Simmons who is fast building her repution as a Family Solicitor in a number of areas notably Care matters.
All of the lawyers in the firm follow the Resolution code as well as being members of the Association of Lawyers for Children and Associates of the National Association of Guardians Ad Litem and Reporting Officers, and BAAF Legal Group.
The firm also has experience in dealing with many high value and complex financial disputes, and specialises in pension rights on divorce. Emergency Applications for Injunctions are regularly undertaken.
Robert Gibson also sits as Deputy District Judges on the North East Circuit which gives additional expertise in resolving family disputes.
The firm holds a Legal Aid Franchise in relation to family work.
Samuel Phillips & Co was established by Mr. Samuel Phillips in 1920 at 86 Pilgrim Street when the office was a small part of the building. Samuel Phillips moved to larger and more prestigious premises at Gibb Chambers, 52 Westgate Road in 1988.
The firm continues to expand and in April 2005 merged with Jesmond practice E.J. Pybus reinforcing its reputation for expert legal services delivered in a professional and reliable manner.
Category: Tyne & Wear
Current Rating: 9.00

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